6 Tips for Virtual Networking

by Rupesh on May 11, 2021
Precision Blog

The COVID-19 pandemic has made social distancing the new normal. However, as we sit comfortably at home, it seems as if there’s nothing we can do to connect with others on a professional level. We’re here to tell you this is not true! Even in a pandemic, there is nothing stopping you from advancing your IT career and making more professional connections. Virtual networking has been made easy in this technology driven world. Read on for the best tips on how to virtually network for your technology career.

Establish Your Virtual Networking Goal
What do you want to get out of virtual networking? You’ll find more success in your networking endeavors if you develop a goal in the beginning. Are you looking to advance your tech career and move up the ladder? Are you looking for a new job opportunity? Are you discovering new leads for your business? Need career advice? Want to learn something new in your field of interest? All of these are great questions to ask yourself before networking. Networking provides a great amount of benefits for a variety of different reasons. Establish why you are looking to network and go from there!

Utilize Everything LinkedIn has to Offer
Once you have established what you want to get out of networking, it’s time to log-in to LinkedIn. LinkedIn is one of the greatest online tools when it comes to virtual networking for your technology career. While making connections on LinkedIn is great, you want to make them worthwhile. Just clicking that “connect” button is not networking, you need to do something about that connection. For instance, when you connect with someone, send them a direct message as to why you would like to connect with them. It’s important to create that relationship right from the start.

When it comes to virtual networking on LinkedIn, you need to keep up with your online presence. Share your own publications and insights to establish your online professional brand as well as offer something relevant to your connections. Sharing content you admire is guaranteed to attract the attention of someone you want to network with. While you are posting your own content, be sure to like, comment, and share other users’ content as well. This is something that gets your name out there in people’s feeds and can even open a door for conversation.

LinkedIn also contains many different groups that you are able to join and share thoughts and insights within. Find some groups that are relevant to your industry and technology career and create some conversations with like-minded individuals.

Use Social Media as a Professional Platform
Not only are you able to use LinkedIn as a professional platform, but you can use other social channels as well. Follow people and organizations that you admire and strive to create connections with. This is also a place for you to showcase your personal, professional brand and share your own insights with those you have connected with. Creating conversations is easy on social media! Like, share, and comment on other individuals posts and get a conversation started. You can even direct message professional’s you want to network with. Social media allows you to find individuals, organizations, groups, etc. with ease, so use that to your advantage when virtual networking for your technology career.

Attend Virtual Networking Events
Networking has moved online! You are able to easily join virtual networking events and do everything that you do at in-person events, minus shaking other individual’s hands. Simply Google search for “virtual networking events” and you are bound to find many options. You should also narrow down your search based on your industry and location, so you are able to find the event that is right for you and your career.

Prepare Yourself as if it’s an In-Person Event
Like an in-person event, you should prepare yourself. Before attending, you should know what types of people you want to be talking to. If there is a list of attendees you have access to prior to the event, decide who you want to make a connection with. Keep your virtual networking goals in mind and have someone in mind that you would like to network with.

It’s also important to dress the part when you attend a virtual networking event. Although you are at home, dress and present yourself as if you were attending an in-person event. You are still meeting professionals face-to-face through your screen, so dress to impress and make those connections!

Keep in Touch!
This is one of the most important tips for networking, whether virtual or in-person. Once you create that connection with someone, you don’t want it to go to waste. Be sure to follow up with your connections or send a thank you message on LinkedIn. Keeping in touch is the whole point of networking. You need to build that professional relationship so that you can help your connections and vice versa.

Now more than ever, people want to build and maintain relationships and interact with others. Virtual networking for your technology career is a great way to create connections, all while staying safe. Good luck with your future networking endeavors!


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Precision Technologies Corp. (PTC) is a leading full stack IT Company with a diversified portfolio of agile transformation, application & mobile development, the PMO suite, automation, analytics, salesforce solutions and technology staffing services. Since 2010, our clients have leveraged our staffing and consulting experience to obtain escalated technical services across the industries. We often are told that our solutions are very precise, cost-effective and process driven, thereby delivering intended results. https://precisiontechcorp.com/