Benefits of Implementing Salesforce in Your Business

by Rupesh on February 16, 2021
Precision Blog

Is your business thinking about adopting Salesforce? Let us tell you why you should! Salesforce is the world’s number one CRM platform, providing many benefits for your business. Their marketing automation and customer relationship management (CRM) are just the beginning when it comes to what they are able to provide for you. In this blog, you’ll find the benefits and advantages of Salesforce and how it’s implementation enhances your company.

Benefits of Salesforce:
In today’s technology driven landscape, most of your customers are digitally connected. Salesforce ensures that your customers and employees are happy through every stage of the sales cycle. Benefits of implementing Salesforce include:

  • Boost Productivity
  • Increased Collaboration
  • Improved Customer Relationship Management
  • Mobility and Easy Accessibility
  • Community
  • Easy Setup

Continue reading for a more in depth look into each point.

Boost Productivity
The use of Salesforce is sure to improve both employee experience and productivity. Salesforce customers reported a 39% increase in sales productivity after implementing the CRM platform. Along with the boost in productivity, your company gets the benefit of improved time management. Salesforce keeps all information you need in one place, allowing quick access and easy organization.

Increased Collaboration
Another benefit of Salesforce is the option to easily communicate with other employees and team members. The “Chatter” feature allows you to chat with other team members, increasing collaboration. All communication is easily retrieved to keep everyone in the know as you move forward with clients and customers.

Improved Customer Relationship Management
Salesforce provides personalized customer services and real-time report generation. It also allows you to track your marketing campaigns progress status, therefore helping you develop more marketing strategies that are able to be improved over time. With the real-time report generation, you are able to communicate with your customers as quickly as possible. The ability to access data grants you the opportunity of delivering the best personalized customer service.

Salesforce allows you to track all data and customer information with ease. Having all information in one location lets you access any customer or lead information whenever you want. This is very convenient to use, keeping all data safe, organized, and readily accessible.

Mobility and Easy Accessibility
Did you know that Salesforce customers reported that they had a 40% increase in productivity with mobile? This platform allows you to service customers, track your marketing campaigns, close deals with customers, and collaborate with teams all from a mobile app. Talk about easy accessibility! For more about mobile app development, check out this blog (mobile app blog)!

With Salesforce, you have the opportunity to share with several (2.3 million to be exact) members of their community. Share your experiences and/or expertise with others! In this community, you are also able to collaborate with your customers, vendors, and team members. This increases your company’s customer service and sales.

Easy Setup
The UI provided by Salesforce is easily set up and understood by employees and customers. The CRM platform offers a setup guide that is easy to read. Salesforce is suitable for all sized companies, with solutions that are built to support customizations and configurations for your business model.

Salesforce is known to have increased sales and productivity, along with many other benefits. Are you thinking about adopting Salesforce? Contact us! We are a trusted Salesforce strategic partner guaranteed to provide you the expertise your business needs.



About Precision
Precision Technologies Corp. (PTC) is a leading full stack IT Company with a diversified portfolio of agile transformation, application & mobile development, the PMO suite, automation, analytics, salesforce solutions and technology staffing services. Since 2010, our clients have leveraged our staffing and consulting experience to obtain escalated technical services across the industries. We often are told that our solutions are very precise, cost-effective and process driven, thereby delivering intended results.